
Hémicycle de l'AN

Analyse critique de la constitution

Introduction Et si je faisais l’exercice de regarder la constitution avec l’oeil de quelqu’un qui analyse tout le temps des cahiers des charges et des dossiers de spécifications fonctionnelles et techniques ? Le texte tel qu’il sort de legifrance sera en noir. Mes commentaire seront en couleur. Bleu par défaut, rouge quand il y a […]

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PRM21 : My 2nd Campaign Message

Dear Members of the District Council, Club Presidents, VP Eds,. I am Pascal VILAREM, CC, ALB I am your candidate for the position of Public Relations Manager for the coming Toastmaster year. And I will need your vote at the coming District Council meeting this Saturday. Why should you support me ? My Toastmaster journey has

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PRM2021 : My first campaign message

Dear District Leaders, Dear Presidents and VP Education of District 59,Dear Fellow Toastmasters, I have been nominated candidate for the position of Public Relations Manager (PRM) by the District Leadership Committee. Hence I’m running for election for this role at the Online District Council Meeting on 8th May 2021Since 2014 I have been a Toastmaster

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