PRM21 : My 2nd Campaign Message

Dear Members of the District Council, Club Presidents, VP Eds,.

I am Pascal VILAREM, CC, ALB

I am your candidate for the position of Public Relations Manager for the coming Toastmaster year.

And I will need your vote at the coming District Council meeting this Saturday.

Why should you support me ?

My Toastmaster journey has led me to take on many different roles at club level : President, VPEd and VPPR…

I have also held the roles of Area Director, and Division Director, contributing to our Division F twice winning the award of « President Distinguished ». During my terms of office, I helped save the fragile clubs in Montpellier, and helped create the club in Toulon.

I am very thus familiar with club needs, and the difficulties they come up against.

At a District I have had the position of Parlementarian, Administration Manager, and this year, as Tech. And IT Manager. This has given me inside experience of being on the Core Team, and gives me a good vision of what can be achieved by the Core Team and by the Public Relations Manager within that team.

Professionally I have worked in IT and digital communication for 20 years. I have worked with big companies, pub lic bodies and even Ministries to help them implement their digital communication strategies. I have also managed big projects of website restructuring, using technical know how, content production, and creative innovation.

I want to bring this vast experience to our District and to our Clubs to help modernise all of our systems to communicate with the world at large.

In fact, I have already started this year by working on projects connected with the,, websites, and producing new websites like that of

What is my vision for the District and for our clubs ?

After this period of COVID we really need to strengthen our clubs and gain new members …

And that means that we need to go a lot further in our digital communication: Toastmasters as a brand must be more visible : be present on the first page of Google for the key words: « public speaking » « leadership » « eloquence » in our countries, and in the towns where we have clubs. People who look for us online must be able to find us easily.

In the same way, we must strengthen our presence on the social media where we can attract new members : LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, Meetup…

To do this, I am proposing to put in place a coherent PR strategy, which will be the result of a concerted decision, for the whole District. Our club VP PR will need training. And I can do both of those jobs.

It is also important that the Toastmaster brand becomes more attractive : skills and a friendly atmosphere must be associated to our name .. and that means creating a « buzz » : fun challenges for clubs, with a viral effect on social media !

Are you ready to scale up and accelerate our Public Relations ? Vote for me, Pascal Vilarem for the role of Public Relations Manager this Saturday 8th May at our DCM !


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