April 2021

PRM2021 : My first campaign message

Dear District Leaders, Dear Presidents and VP Education of District 59,Dear Fellow Toastmasters, I have been nominated candidate for the position of Public Relations Manager (PRM) by the District Leadership Committee. Hence I’m running for election for this role at the Online District Council Meeting on 8th May 2021Since 2014 I have been a Toastmaster […]

PRM2021 : My first campaign message Read More »

What can a PRM bring to clubs ?

A PRM (Public Relations Manager) is responsible for public relations. The District PRM is responsible for coordinating an “active” public relations and advertising program in the district. It is therefore not only a matter of institutional public relations or spokesperson but of the animation of an active program of communication and publicity to make Toastmasters

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Candidat au rôle de PRM de District Toastmasters

Le dernier DECM de l’année Toastmasters a eu lieu et la nouvelle est tombée : Le [tooltip style=”yellow” position=”top” shadow=”no” rounded=”no” size=”default” title=”District Leadership Commitee” content=”De son vrai nom DLC, pour District Leadership Comittee , ce comité est un groupe de travail formé chaque année pour recruter et sélectionner les candidats aux postes d’officiers. Directeurs

Candidat au rôle de PRM de District Toastmasters Read More »

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