What can a PRM bring to clubs ?

A PRM (Public Relations Manager) is responsible for public relations.

The District PRM is responsible for coordinating an “active” public relations and advertising program in the district. It is therefore not only a matter of institutional public relations or spokesperson but of the animation of an active program of communication and publicity to make Toastmasters known, and, to interest the public in the activities of the clubs.

The PRM fosters the relationship between the district and its clubs and helps develop links with the public.

It helps raise awareness of Toastmasters, in particular through local media and digital media (websites, social networks, platforms, etc.).

He also contributes to the training of the Vice-Presidents of Public Relations of the clubs.

Thus he acts, like the other members of the “Core Team”, in the service of Toastmasters clubs, their image, and their notoriety.

It is a role involving both strategy to define the goals to be targeted but also tactics to define the means (and the budgets that come along) to achieve these objectives, planning to establish the rhythm and calendar of communication and finally animation to motivate and lead communicating Toastmasters around him.

In short, the District PRM works to promote the clubs and the Toastmasters brand (which he protects too) in order to: publicize Toastmasters, the methods, the benefits that people can get from them and draw the public to the Clubs in order to facilitate their growth.

A PRM whom helps clubs to develop their communication, especially in the web domain, whom trains VPRPs in digital communication and entrusts them with the secrets of good webmastering practices, whom helps clubs to make more effective communication, whom motivates them and allows them to learn while having fun … this is what’s at stake for the clubs of the District.

This is why it is important that clubs get involved in the PRM election process (This also applies to other members of the “Core Team”) and that club representatives , Presidents and VPE vote at the DCM where the elections take place.

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