Tech & lead.
Technology can serve leadership but, more important, technology needs leadership and vision to serve for the good of Humanity. .
Tech & lead themes
Leadership & Public speaking
Learn more about my speaker & leader journey with Toastmasters.
Mageia Linux
Mandrake linux, then Mandriva and now Mageia. Learn more about the Community Driven RPM Linux distribution both user friendly and ready for business.
Opensource & free software
Opensource & free software are everywhere from your android mobile to the International Space Station .
Rédiger une constitution ?
Après la lecture critique de la Constitution, je tire quelques règles potentielles puis j’élargis à…
Analyse critique de la constitution
Introduction Et si je faisais l’exercice de regarder la constitution avec l’oeil de quelqu’un qui…
Élections et démocratie : le taux de légitimité
Imaginez un bateau, un gros bateau du genre navire de croisière croisière… Imaginez maintenant au…
COVID 19 : Le “passe sanitaire”
Article précédent : le vaccin ARN Ça ne va pas être facile… et la pression…
COVID 19 : Le vaccin “ARN”
Article précédent : le virus et la maladie Mon beau frère m’a fait récemment la…
COVID 19 : Le virus et la maladie
Article précédent : une époque étonnante Au fait de quoi parle-t-on ? Précisément je veux…

My Story
I’m a french engineer working in Opensource and Free Software field and, passionate about leadership and public speaking, Mageia Linux and Opensource Software.
As a Toastmasters I have played a lot of roles : Club VPE, Club President, Area Director, Dvision Director, Parliamentarian, District Conference Chair, District Administration Manager, District IT Manager.
As a contributor for Mageia Linux I have played severa roles : 1st Forum Team Leader, System Administrators Team Leader, and lastly Treasurer of the official Mageia Not-for-profit organisation.
As an manager and IT expert in my company I support and coordinate our teams of experts. We help big customers to achieve huge websites projects or implement new digital strategies…
I’m passionate about a lot more things but that would need a full story to tell..